Thursday, July 19, 2012


It’s zucchini glut time! Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do with all of them. Did you know that you can freeze them? I experimented with zucchini preservation – they are such a bargain this time of year.  

 For several years I have frozen shredded raw zucchini for making zucchini muffins year round. They can be also used for making fritters. This year I looked up more preservation tips in a reference book. Here’s what I did:

1.       Cut them into ½ inch thick slices.

2.       Steam them for 4 minutes in a single layer in a steamer basket.

3.       Chill in ice water; drain and pat dry.

4.       Place them in a single layer on a parchment paper covered cookie sheet.

5.       Place in the freezer until frozen through, then place disks into plastic bags for freezer storage.

Since I had not frozen zucchini slices before, I used a test time of two weeks in the freezer and set the zucchini disks on the counter until they were nearly thawed.

To cook them, I used a recipe for eggplant parmesan, dipping them in an egg wash and then bread crumbs. I fried them in oil before placing them in a baking pan. Then, I covered the fried zucchini slices with marinara sauce and Leelanau Cheese Company aged raclette cheese and baked them in a 350 degree oven for several minutes. They turned out great; holding up to freezing better than eggplant has for me.

For another zucchini idea, see my previous blog on spiralcutting it.

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Shredded zucchini ready for the freezer.



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